Category: Activism

OLLI University Day: Civic Engagement Panel

I gladly accepted an invitation to participate in a panel discussion on Civic Engagement for the OLLI University Day program on August 15, 2019. Here is a link to the Panel Presentation Outline I prepared for the program. I was allotted five minutes to share my thoughts before entering into the panel discussion. This post …

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The State of the World is on My Mind

For many years, most of my blogging was about politics. In the period from early 2005 until late in 2008, I devoted my energies to political organizing, and I wrote nearly every day about opportunities for people in my region (the western four counties of Massachusetts) to participate in activities in support of causes and …

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Meet Don Berwick, Sunday, July 20 in Great Barrington

Don Berwick is a Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. All are welcome, whether you are a supporter or not yet a supporter. We hope that people will be moved to make a contribution to the Berwick campaign, but that is not a requirement. Light refreshments will be served. Contributions of refreshments are welcome. If …

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Disability Forum at Perkins School on Thursday June 26

Please join us for a Gubernatorial Candidates Forum on Disability Issues All seven candidates for Governor of Massachusetts will appear at this forum, and each will have half an hour to make their case and answer questions. Don Berwick will be speaking second, at 1:30. Here is a flyer we will pass out at the …

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Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

On this Fathers Day, I think back on my own father. Dad to me, Gray to his family, The Gray Fox to many. He would be 98 years old today if he had lived beyond his 81st birthday. I still miss him. He was a lifelong Socialist and Pacifist, and (I now know) an Aspergerian. …

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Protect Our Benefits: Ask Your Member of Congress to Sign This Letter to the President

Dear President Obama: We join millions of Americans in applauding your Inaugural Address declaration that “we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future.” Democrats have built the most popular government programs in American history – including …

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RESCHEDULED! Reception for Ed Markey in the Berkshires for Tuesday, February 19

    I am supporting Ed Markey in his bid to become the next US Senator from Massachusetts. He has a sterling track record on environmental issues and and has values and positions that are consonant with mine. I think his candidacy will appeal to Berkshire voters. Ed will be in Pittsfield on Friday, February …

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The Importance of Voting on November 6

The importance of voting on November 6  [A downloadable pdf version of this post is available here.] Much is at stake for the disability community by Michael Forbes Wilcox   Never Underestimate the Power of Your Vote Many elections are decided by only a few votes. Recently, in one contest for the Massachusetts House, the …

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End Abuse and Torture in Massachusetts

On June 2, disability rights advocates rallied in Boston and Canton to protest the continued abusive practices at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC). This is an excellent write-up by my friend Lucy Berrington! I was in attendance at the Democratic State Convention at that time, so could not add my body as a JRC protester, …

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