Michael Forbes Wilcox

Author's posts

I am autisitc. Why do you think I am so different?

I am autistic. Hath not an autistic eyes? hath not an autistic hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a neurotypical is? If you prick us, …

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Some thoughts on pets

A friend who is the mother of a young autistic boy has posted a picture of her son meeting the family’s new pet, a golden retriever puppy. She writes that her son “demonstrates the appropriate way to greet a new pet: by smelling it, of course.” My response was; I’ve always enjoyed the smells of …

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On Perfectionism

Regular readers of my blog (and I know I have at least 2 or 3 — or so they claim!) will know that I have obsessed lately with my speculation that Steve Jobs was autistic. Every community likes to have its heroes, and I’d like to claim Jobs as one of ours. Whether or not …

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The Challenges of “Executive Function”

Update on November 14: Yesterday, I finished bringing Quicken up to date through July. Only 3 more statements to go before I actually know how much money I have on hand! AND I finished a painting project! What is going on here? Am I growing an Executive Function? Ω ———- So proud of myself today! …

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Terrific Boston Globe op-ed on Autism

Today’s Globe features a column that is a wonderful explanation of the recent work of Dr. Laurent Mottron at the University of Montreal (which, thankfully, has gotten a lot of press in recent days; e.g. see this mention in Science Daily of November 2). The Globe columnist, Gareth Cook, writes to tell us “The truth about …

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My appearance on “Where We Live” on WNPR November 2, 2011

Update on November 5: I have now listened to the replay, and am totally favorably impressed with the job that John Dankosky did in directing the conversation. He was able to involve many callers in the discussion, and gave each panelist a chance to respond. I, of course, am not a totally unbiased observer, but …

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The Massachusetts Cross-Disability Advocacy Coalition (CDAC)

You will be hearing a lot more about this coalition from me (that’s a promise, not a threat!). We are just getting organized, and are noodling out ways to expand from our original core group into a truly state-wide and inclusive coalition. We are talking about doing 8 outreach gatherings in various places around the …

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Marc Rosenthal on Yoga

My friend Marc Rosenthal had a full-page spread in a recent issue of The New Yorker. I met him through yoga, and he and I practice in the same studio. It’s clear that the studio’s logo inspired part of his drawing. Yesterday in class (he wasn’t there), people were speculating on who his model was. …

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Book Review: Social Thinking At Work

Here is a review I wrote for publication in the AANE Journal. I don’t know if it will appear in the next edition, or a subsequent one. And, of course, it could be edited for length or content. In the meantime, I thought it might be helpful to some people to have access to my …

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Tonight, snow comes to Alford: time for the season’s inaugural fireplace lighting! [Update: morning pictures]

What started as a gentle wet snow earlier this afternoon is now less wet and more white, and coming down heavily. As the darkness gathers, the still-green grass (we’ve not had a frost yet) is beginning to turn a misty white. I expect when daylight returns, I will see no green, but a white blanket …

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